Our lead practitioner has a naturopathic PhD., a masters in nutrition and a master herbalist. She oversees our Wisconsin and Colorado offices.

We believe the body wants to be in a balanced, health state.  It gets out of this balanced health state because of viruses, bacteria, parasites, our food supply, our water supply and stress among other things.

We use homeopathic drops and herbs to remove the toxins from your body. And use high potency vitamins to support your organs so they can do what they were designed to do; put  you in that balanced, health state.

We do this through using a system called electrodermal screening analysis. It measures the frequencies in your organs to determine where there’s weaknesses in your body.

We also do a lot with digestion. Most people do not digest their foods. In fact, most people are not eating real food. They are eating processed food. If you do not digest your food, your organs will not receive vitally important vitamins and minerals so that they can do what they are designed to do and that is to put the body in that balanced, health state.

Our initial appointment is called a health assessment. It lasts anywhere from 1½ to 2 hours. It cost $190-$210. That does not include any homeopathic drops, herbs or supplements that the practitioner may suggest. A typical first appointment cost around $400 including the visit and the supplements. This may very extensively depending on what your issues are and what areas you decide to get after.

We ask you to come back in six weeks for a follow up appointment which can last up to one hour. It cost $100-$110. From there, it depends on how your body reacts and what your issues are if you will need any further appointments.

** All recommendations are made for your general well-being and health. Neither the Biomeridian Stress Test, nor the Natural Health Professional, will provide a medical diagnosis nor treatment. We suggest you consult with your primary doctor for diagnosis and treatment of specific medical conditions.